Friday 21 February 2020

Study SMART not HARD | Learn English With Lucy

Study SMART not HARD | Learn English with Lucy: Hello everyone and welcome to English with Lucy. In today’s article I’m going to teach you how to study smarter, not harder. Many students think that if they study more and if they study harder then they will become better at English speaker or whatever they are studying. This is not true! Even our teachers will tell us to study for longer, to study more, and to study harder. It doesn’t necessarily work.

FIVE study methods | Learn English with Lucy

So I’ve got five study methods. And I’m going to show you how you can study for less time and learn more.
  1. Your personal concentration
  2. Always study in chunks
  3. The SQRRR method
  4. Create a study time and place
  5. Teach what you learn

English grammar rules that natives don’t always follow | English With Lucy

Five strict English grammar rules | English with Lucy

English Grammar Rules | English with Lucy: Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy. Today I am going to teach you about five strict English grammar rules that natives don’t always follow. Yes, that’s right. Your teacher may have been lying to you.
Learn English With Lucy, English With Lucy, English with Lucy vocabulary, english with lucy youtube, english with lucy instagram, english with lucy 100 words, Parts of speech, English Grammar rules. English With Lucy is the best YouTube video collection about English Grammar.

FIVE English Grammar rules | English with Lucy

Let’s started with five strict English grammar rules that natives don’t always follow. And I’m going to teach you these for your further concepts about casual English Grammar rules.
  1. You should never end a sentence with a preposition | English with Lucy
  2. Always say someone and I, not someone and me | English with Lucy
  3. Never split an infinitive | English with Lucy
  4. Always use “there are” instead of “there is” before a plural | English with Lucy
  5. If I were rather than if I was | English with Lucy

Study SMART not HARD | Learn English With Lucy

Study SMART not HARD | Learn English with Lucy: Hello everyone and welcome to English with Lucy. In today’s article I’m going to teach you ...